Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Club Championship Awards Ceremony Tomorrow

Before tomorrow night's Summer Tourney finale, we will have our Club Championship Awards Ceremony.

If you are to receive a trophy, please arrive before 8:00 p.m. Those playing in the tournament should not begin games until 8:15.

I apologize for the extremely short notice but did not know if the 1st-place trophy would be done until late this afternoon.

John Moldovan

Monday, August 4, 2014

Kenilworth CC Site Down Due To Server Failure

The Kenilworth Chess Club's site,, has been down since sometime on Saturday, due to hardware failure on our server.

It will take several days for the site to be restored.

Brinkster Email Logo

Emergency Maintenance
Brinkster is conducting emergency maintenance on your shared webserver.
Event Details
- Saturday, August 2, 2014 we experienced a hardware failure on the shared server running your website
- Standard recovery procedures were unsuccessful
- We are currently recovering from the disaster recovery backups
- Due to the large amount of data that is recovering, it is expected to take multiple days to complete